What is Anybeam?

With Anybeam you are able to share files, text and images easy and fast between devices in your local network.

We don't rely on any kind of external server structure. Just install and configur our app and you are good to go.

Why Anybeam?

Because it is simple, easy to use and much more direct than other solutions like email or dropbox. In addition do we only transmit local so no foreign can see your data.

How can I Beam?

Its very simple, on Android device use the buildin share function. On your desktop device open the programm from your tray bar and choose what you want to share. You don't need to have an Android device, any combination of devices will work


  • Encrypted transmission
  • Direct connection
  • No external server needed
  • Made in Germany
  • Beam text
  • Beam images
  • Beam documents
  • Beam more
